Friday, August 28, 2009

The Under Wire Push-Up Bra

I'm up relatively early on a Friday morning considering the fact that I don't have a job or any real things to do today. I'm just sitting here staring into space really. What am I thinking about? Good question. I'm actually thinking about my past relationships (and I use that word loosely) and how at the time I thought I was "in love," so to speak. It's become clear that I was never "in love" with that person rather the potential that I saw in them. That's crazy isn't it?! I bet many have never thought of it like that. Potential is like an underwire [padded] push-up bra. That is, like a push-up bra it gives the illusion that someone is different from what they really are. Imagine the disappointment on a guy's face when he realizes your c-cups are really a-cups. Scary isn't it?! It makes it hard to determine whether a person is really as they are or if we're being deceived [by potential].

How can we avoid such trickery? Well first, you need to know that potential is the capacity to become something more than the actuality. So, if you are talking to or dating someone that only exhibits certain characteristics every once in a while and doesn't permanently employ them then chances are you're attracted their potential [to grow]. But see, that doesn't mean they'll ever grow, all that means is that he/she could change and while change is inevitable you can never predict which areas this change will occur. However, that's not to say abandon your significant other upon the discovery that you're attracted to their potential.

Some people do change and you might be lucky enough to have someone who's willing to do that. If you feel you're with someone who will [eventually] change then go ahead and stay with them. But if you know you're stuck with someone who isn't willing to meet you half way then you need to be on the first thing smokin' because at that point it becomes a waste of your time--valuable time that you could invest in someone else.


  1. potential. i Likes that one.
    but tht wouLd be more Lik an
    underwire padded push up bra.
    aka the wonder bra.

    reLationships suck baLLs
    by the way. LoL jus kidding
    or am i.!? good go stoney...gooood go
